Saturday, 16 October 2010


 Forgive me for wandering slightly off topic on this comment. Every year in my business we only buy new modern rotary mowers and if we get a 34 week seasons use before they’re scrapped we’re lucky. Admittedly they’re in use 8 hours a day 5 days a week but everything about modern lawn mowers is insubstantial and designed and constructed for a very finite life. Contrary to manufacturers hype there’s no such animal as a ‘professional’ lawnmower for continual commercial use. In total contrast everything about this Atco is shouting at me “solid”.  Accepted that modern engines and electrics are far superior but having been in such intimate contact with every part of this machine I simply can’t imagine anything ever breaking or failing due to flimsy materials or shoddy construction.  In the 1920’s the concept of inbuilt obsolescence didn’t exist. Goods were made to last because continual replacement was not an option.
Rant over, I feel better for getting that off my chest !

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